
Past speaker

Jane H. Barnsteiner, PhD, FAAN

Professor Emerita of Pediatric Nursing - Clinician Educator, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

Dr. Jane Barnsteiner is Professor Emerita at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing and Editor for Translational Research and Quality Improvement for the American Journal of Nursing. She is internationally recognized as a leader in quality, safety, and evidence-based practice.

Jane was one of the developers of the Quality and Safety in Nursing Education (QSEN) initiative and is co-editor of the text: Quality and Safety in Nursing: A Competency Based Approach to Improving Outcomes (2012), published by Wiley. She is also co-editor of the book Person and Family Centered Care published by Sigma Theta Tau, International in April, 2014. Both books received AJN book of the year awards.

She has been honored for her work with the Eastern Nursing Research Society Distinguished Researcher Award and the Sigma Theta Tau International, Dorothy Garrigus Adams Award for Excellence in Fostering Professional Standards. In 2009 she was awarded the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching from the University of Pennsylvania and in 2014 she received the Alumni Award for Distinguished Leadership from the School of Nursing. She is a member of The Joint Commission Patient Safety Advisory Group and a member of the American Academy of Nursing.

Dr. Barnsteiner received her diploma from Misericordia Hospital School of Nursing, BSN and MSN from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and a PhD from the University of Michigan.


YouTube - Joanne Disch and Jane Barnsteiner talk to the Swedish Society of Nursing about opportunities and barriers to good and quality care - May 12, 2014

Great networking. Fun to get away from work and learn about what is going on in other avenues of nursing. — 2017 attendee