
Past speaker

Debbie Brinker, MSN, RN

Director of Experiential Learning / Clinical Assistant Professor, Washington State University School of Nursing

Debbie Brinker is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Washington State University, enjoying her faculty role since 2002. She has a passion for growing our future generation of nurses with a spirit of inquiry, quest for research and applying evidence in practice, and a foundation to lead and contribute with team members to optimize health and care to patients, families, and populations throughout the world. Her teaching experience includes professional development/leadership education, and pediatric clinical and didactic education. She has co-led a Healthcare in Peru interprofessional course for 2 summers. Debbie serves as faculty advisor for Nursing Students of Washington State (NSWS). Her clinical expertise is in pediatrics, where she has worked as a Pediatric/PICU CNS, nurse manager, and staff nurse. Additional background includes camp nursing and accreditation reviewer at YMCA Camp Reed, military nursing, and medical mission trips to Ethiopia. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) is her professional organizational home, where she has served as (national) Past-President, and currently serves on the Healthy Work Environment Speaker Bureau as a lecturer and consultant, and liaison to multiple organizations. She consults as a Clinical Nurse Specialist for pediatric care, as well as in team leadership.

  • BSN, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
  • MSN, Pediatric Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist, University of California, San Francisco, CA

Leadership and professional development education, pediatrics/pediatric critical care clinical nurse specialist consultation, leadership consultation for individuals, hospital and clinic teams; interprofessional education/team collaboration, global learning and international programs

  • Northwest Clinical Placement Collaborative, 2012 - present
  • Washington Center for Nursing - Leadership Task Force, 2012-present - Transition to Practice Task Force, 2010-2011
  • Inland Northwest Clinical Placement Consortium, 2011 – present
  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 2009-present
  • National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS), 2001-present
  • Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), 2000-present
  • American Nurses’ Association, 1991-present
  • Washington State Nurses’ Association, 1991-present
  • Sigma Theta Tau International, 1990-present - Alpha Eta Chapter & Delta Chi Chapter
  • American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), 1985-present
Honors & Awards
  • Nurse Educator of the Year Award, Washington State Nurses Association
  • Undergraduate Faculty Award, Washington State University College of Nursing
  • Faculty Service Award, Washington State University College of Nursing
  • Leadership Award, Sigma Theta Tau International, Delta Chi Chapter
  • Lifetime Membership Award, American Association of Critical Care Nurses
  • Pediatric Emergency Mass Critical Care in the Developing World. (2011).
  • Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 12(6), pp. S 109-179.
  • Roberts, K., Brinker, D., & Murante, B. (2006). Hematology and Immunology, In
  • M.C. Slota (Ed.) Core Curriculum for Pediatric Critical Care Nursing, 2nd ed. St.Louis: Elsevier and American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN).
  • Brinker, D. (2006). Engage and Transform: There Are Many Ways to Lead.
  • Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. Delta-Chi At-Large Chapter Newsletter. Fall 2006.
  • Brinker, D. (2006). Engage and Transform: Achieving Our Preferred Future. AACN News, 23(6).
  • Brinker, D. (2006). Engage and Transform: Getting or Becoming? A Journey of Transformational Change. AACN News, 23(5).
  • Brinker, D. (2006). Engage and Transform: There Are Many Ways to Lead. AACN News, 23(4).
  • Brinker, D. (2006). Engage and Transform: Heroes Need to be Noticed. AACN News, 23(3).
  • Brinker, D. (2006). Engage and Transform: Is it Time to Disengage? AACN News, 23(2).
  • Brinker, D. (2004). Sedation and comfort in the ventilated infant and child. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 16, 365-377.
  • Reviewer: AACN Standards for Establishing and Sustaining Healthy Work Environments. (2005). American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, Aliso Viejo, CA.
Great networking. Fun to get away from work and learn about what is going on in other avenues of nursing. — 2017 attendee