
It’s not too late to run for office!

May 11, 2023

Self-nominations for WSNA office accepted until May 18

If you want to get involved with some awesome people and have your voice heard, you can still run for an office with the Washington State Nurses Association. The time commitment is small, and the rewards are great!

Members who want to self-declare their candidacy for an elected office may still do so by submitting a self-declaration (consent to serve) form by 5 p.m. on May 18 (the day of General Assembly).

Submit a nomination form electronically

Nominations will also be accepted during our General Assembly on May 18.

If you need help with submitting a nomination form, please contact WSNA at (206) 575-7979, or write

The following positions are open to all WSNA members in good standing, whether or not they are represented for collective bargaining by WSNA:

  • WSNA Board of Directors
  • Legislative & Health Policy Council
  • Professional Nursing & Healthcare Council
  • WSNA Nominations / Search Committee
  • Representative to the American Nurses Association Membership Assembly

These offices are open to union members only:

  • Cabinet on Economic & General Welfare
  • Search Committee for the Cabinet on Economic & General Welfare
  • Delegate to the American Federation of Teachers Convention

Thank you to all members who have submitted a nomination form. We are so grateful for your interest. To see who is running as of March 17 go to our elections page. For full descriptions of open offices, see our page, Leadership and advocacy groups.

Great networking. Fun to get away from work and learn about what is going on in other avenues of nursing. — 2017 attendee